New location for ParGram & XLE Redmine

The redmine projects for ParGram and XLE have been moved to a new location:

We are currently in the progress of moving all the content into that new redmine project. So far, the XLE binaries are available again.
The ParGram Wiki will be there shortly. We will keep you updated on the progress.

4 comments to New location for ParGram & XLE Redmine

  • Jessica

    Hi Jani,
    Are you still using your uni mail? I have found you in the Redmine user base and added you to the XLE project. But, if you use a new address just send me a short mail to my uni mail and I’ll add you with that one.

  • Jani

    Hi Jessi,
    Yes, would be great to have an account there, so that I can stay in the loop a little bit wrt all things ParGram/XLE.

  • jessica

    Hi Jani,
    thanks for letting me know, I just fixed the link. Yes, the user base is also being moved to the new location. Do you want an account, too? If so, just send me an e-mail and I’ll add you to the new project.

  • Jani

    Great to see that you are making progress! Are you also moving/copying the user base to the new location?
    BTW, the link you posted is not working.

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