Spring 2010 ParGram meeting (2)


the next ParGram Meeting will be in Konstanz from March 22-26.   We will post local information on our UrduGram page shortly:


Note that our nearest airport is Zurich (Switzerland).  And various cheap airlines fly to Friedrichshafen, which is just across the lake.

In order to begin getting organized we would like to get a poll of

1) who is planning to attend?
2) what topics/talks there will be?

We have a list of proposed topics from the last ParGram meeting.  These include:

a) TNS-ASP session (Urdu, Tigrinya, Chinese)
b) Passives: statives vs. non-statives
c) Restriction — Tutorial/Discussion of Issues
d) Challenge/Taks/Corpus for Semantics (maybe first few pages of Sophie’s World?)

Please send your answers to:  sebastian.sulger@uni-konstanz.de



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