First call for LFG2011 conference

The first call for the 16th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG2011) is out. It will be published on the conference website. The conference will be held at the University of Hong Kong.

Fall 2010 ParGram/ParSem registration

The fall ParGram/ParSem meeting will be Oct 4-8 at PARC. At this point could you please:

Send Annie Zaenen ( a message if you will be attending the meeting Send Tracy King ( a message about presentations you would like to give (or have someone else give)

LFG 2010 updated program

An updated program for LFG 2010 at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada is available. Registration is open on the LFG 2010 website, which also contains information about accommodation, activities, etc. The preregistration deadline is May 15, 2010.

New book on grammar theory

Stefan Müller has published a new book on grammar theory with a chapter on LFG. The book is also freely downloadable.

Two vacancies at Bergen for LFG-related PhD projects

The University of Bergen announces two PhD level positions in the CLARA project. The vacancies are for people in an early stage of their research careers and imply mobility. Successful candidates have a good background in LFG. The deadline is 18 April 2010.

LFG09 proceedings published

Tracy King announced that the LFG09 proceedings are now available on-line from CSLI publications. The past LFG proceedings as well as the HPSG proceedings are also available from this page.

XLFG5 announced

Dr Lionel Clément, who is Assistant Professor in Computational Linguistics at Bordeaux University, has just announced the newest version of his web-based tool for parsing with LFG grammars. The tool is accessible at

New web pages

This new website for ParGram/ParSem is being hosted by the LaMoRe group at the University of Bergen. This website has the format of a blog, with posts on the main page, and additional pages with more permanent information. Members of the ParGram/ParSem community who wish to contribute to this website can either request a login […]

Fall 2009 meeting

The ParGram meeting in the Fall of 2009 is from September 28 to October 2 in one of the Microsoft offices in San Francisco.

If you know you will be attending the meeting, or are likely to attend, please let Tracy Holloway King know. Also contact her if you need a letter of invitation (e.g. […]