This new website for ParGram/ParSem is being hosted by the LaMoRe group at the University of Bergen. This website has the format of a blog, with posts on the main page, and additional pages with more permanent information. Members of the ParGram/ParSem community who wish to contribute to this website can either request a login […]
The following groups have previously participated in ParGram:
Linguistics Department, University of Essex and Oxford University People: Mary Dalrymple, Ingo Mittendorf, Charles Randriamasimanana, Louisa Sadler Languages: Welsh, Malagasy School of Informatics, University of Manchester People: Harold Somers, Mohammed Attia Languages: Arabic Ho Chi Minh City Institute of Information Technology (IOIT-HCM) People: Dao Van Tuyet, Do […]
Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King. 2007. XLE and XFR: A Grammar Development Platform with a Parser/Generator and Rewrite System. International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON) Tutorial.
Aoife Cahill, Martin Forst and Christian Rohrer. 2007. Stochastic Realisation Ranking for a Free Word Order Language. In Busemann, S. (ed.) Proceedings of the European Workshop on […]
Mohammed A. Attia. 2006. Accommodating Multiword Expressions in an Arabic LFG Grammar. In T. Salakoski et al. (Eds.). FinTAL 2006, LNAI 4139, pp. 87-98. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Mohammed A. Attia. 2006. An Ambiguity-Controlled Morphological Analyzer for Modern Standard Arabic Modelling Finite State Networks. The Challenge of Arabic for NLP/MT Conference, October 2006. The British Computer Society, […]
Mohammed A. Attia. 2005. Developing a Robust Arabic Morphological Transducer Using Finite State Technology. 8th Annual CLUK Research Colloquium, Manchester.
Dick Crouch and Tracy Holloway King. 2005. Unifying Lexical Resources. Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Identification and Representation of Verb Features and Verb Classes, Saarbrücken, Germany.
Dan Flickinger, Jan Tore Lonning, Helge Dyvik, […]
Richard Crouch, Tracy Holloway King, John T. Maxwell III, Stefan Riezler and Annie Zaenen. 2004. Exploiting F-structure Input for Sentence Condensation.Proceedings of the LFG04 Conference, pp. 167-187, Stanford: CSLI Publications.
Mary Dalrymple, Ron Kaplan and Tracy Holloway King. 2004. Linguistics Generalizations over Descriptions. Proceedings of the LFG04 Conference, pp. 199-208, Stanford: CSLI Publications.
Mary Dalrymple, […]
Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King. 2003. Grammar Writing, Testing, and Evaluation. In A. Farghaly (ed.) Handbook for Language Engineers, pp. 129-179, Stanford: CSLI Publications.
Miriam Butt, Tracy Holloway King, and John Maxwell. 2003. Productive encoding of Urdu complex predicates in the ParGram Project. In Proceedings of the EACL03: Workshop on Computational Linguistics for South […]
Miriam Butt, Helge Dyvik, Tracy Holloway King, Hiroshi Masuichi and Christian Rohrer. 2002. The Parallel Grammar Project. In Proceedings of COLING-2002 Workshop on Grammar Engineering and Evaluation, pp. 1-7.
Bjarne Ørsnes. 2002. Case Marking and Subject Extraction in Danish. Proceedings of the LFG02 Conference, pp. 333-353, Stanford: CSLI Publications.
Ronald M. Kaplan, Tracy Holloway King […]
Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King. 2001. Non-Nominative Subjects in Urdu: A Computational Analysis. In Proceedings of the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Non-nominative Subjects, ILCAA, pp. 525-548, Tokyo.
Anette Frank, Tracy Holloway King, Jonas Kuhn and John Maxwell. 2001. Optimality Theory style constraint ranking in large-scale LFG grammars. In Peter Sells, (ed) Formal […]
Stefanie Dipper. 2000. Grammar-based Corpus Annotation. In Anne Abeillé, Thorsten Brants and Hans Uszkoreit (eds), Proceedings of the Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora LINC-2000, pp. 56-64, Luxembourg.
Tracy Holloway King, Stefanie Dipper, Anette Frank, Jonas Kuhn and John Maxwell. 2000. Ambiguity Management in Grammar Writing. In E. Hinrichs, D. Meurers and S. Wintner (eds), Proceedings […]