This is a historic page Powerset was acquired by Microsoft in 2008. The following information is outdated and was replaced by the Microsoft Natural Language Platform page.
This is a historic page Powerset was acquired by Microsoft in 2008. The following information is outdated and was replaced by the Microsoft Natural Language Platform page. […] Norbert Bröker and Stefanie Dipper. 1999. Zur Konstruktion von Lexika für die maschinelle syntaktische Analyse. In Jost Gippert and Peter Olivier (eds), Multilinguale Corpora - Codierung, Strukturierung, Analyse. 11. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Linguistische DatenVerarbeitung, pp. 159-168, Enigma corporation, Prag. Miriam Butt, Stefanie Dipper, Anette Frank and Tracy Holloway King. 1999. Writing Large-scale Parallel Grammars […] Ronald M. Kaplan and Joan Bresnan. 1982. Lexical-Functional Grammar: A formal system for grammatical representation. In Joan Bresnan (ed), The Mental Representation of Grammatical Relations, pp. 173 – 281, Cambridge: The MIT Press. Reprinted in Dalrymple, Kaplan, Maxwell and Zaenen (eds). 1995. Formal Issues in Lexical-Functional Grammar, pp. 29 – 130, Stanford: Center for the […] About ParGram itself Miriam Butt, Helge Dyvik, Tracy Holloway King, Hiroshi Masuichi, and Christian Rohrer. 2002. The Parallel Grammar Project. In Proceedings of COLING-2002 Workshop on Grammar Engineering and Evaluation. pp. 1-7. Miriam Butt, Tracy Holloway King, Maria-Eugenia Nino, and Frederique Segond. 1999. A Grammar Writer’s Cookbook. Stanford: CSLI Publications. For research papers related to […] XLE Our research uses the XLE platform, a complete parsing implementation of the LFG syntactic formalism by PARC. It includes various features integrated since the introduction of LFG theory by Kaplan and Bresnan (1982), such as functional uncertainty, functional precedence, generalization for coordination, multiple projections, and restriction. It has a very rich c-structure rule notation, […]
Natural Language Theory and Technology at PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) People: John Maxwell, Annie Zaenen, 方霁 Ji Fang, Cleo Condoravdi, Lauri Karttunen Languages: English, Chinese, French Methods and tools: development and maintenance of XLE, development of lexical semantics LaMoRe (Language Models and Resources) at the University of Bergen People: Helge Dyvik, Victoria Rosén, […] The ParGram and ParSem projects are collaborative efforts by researcher groups in industrial and academic institutions around the world. The aim of ParGram is to produce wide coverage grammars for a variety of languages. These are written collaboratively within the linguistic framework of LFG (Lexical Functional Grammar) and with a commonly-agreed-upon set of grammatical features. […] The ParGram meeting in the Fall of 2009 is from September 28 to October 2 in one of the Microsoft offices in San Francisco. If you know you will be attending the meeting, or are likely to attend, please let Tracy Holloway King know. Also contact her if you need a letter of invitation (e.g. […] |