
Norbert Bröker and Stefanie Dipper. 1999. Zur Konstruktion von Lexika für die maschinelle syntaktische Analyse. In Jost Gippert and Peter Olivier (eds), Multilinguale Corpora -  Codierung,  Strukturierung,  Analyse. 11. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Linguistische DatenVerarbeitung,  pp. 159-168,  Enigma corporation,  Prag.

Miriam Butt,  Stefanie Dipper,  Anette Frank and Tracy Holloway King. 1999. Writing Large-scale Parallel Grammars for English,  French,  and German. In Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King (eds),  Proceedings of the LFG99 Conference,  Stanford:  CSLI Publications.

Miriam Butt,  Tracy Holloway King,  Maria-Eugenia Nino and Frederique Segond. 1999. A Grammar Writer’s Cookbook. Stanford:  CSLI Publications.

Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King. 1998. Interfacing Phonology with LFG. In Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King (eds),  Proceedings of the LFG98 Conference,  Stanford:  CSLI Publications.

Anette Frank,  Tracy Holloway King,  Jonas Kuhn and John Maxwell. 1998. Optimality Theory style constraint ranking in large-scale LFG grammars. In Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King (eds),  Proceedings of the LFG98 Conference,  Stanford:  CSLI Publications.

Jonas Kuhn. 1998. Towards data-intensive testing of a broad-coverage LFG grammar. In Proceedings of KONVENS 98,  pp. 43-56,  Bonn:  Peter Lang.

Miriam Butt,  Christian Fortmann and Christian Rohrer. 1996. Syntactic Analyses for Parallel Grammars:  Auxiliaries and Genitive NPs,  Coling 96,  Copenhagen.

Miriam Butt,  Maria-Eugenia Nino and Frederique Segond. 1996. Multilingual Processing of Auxiliaries within LFG. In Proceedings of KONVENS 1996,  pp. 111-122,  Mouton de Gruyter.

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John T. Maxwell III and Ronald M. Kaplan. 1991. A method for disjunctive constraint satisfaction. In Masaru Tomita (ed),  Current Issues in Parsing Technology,  pp. 173 – 190,  Dordrecht:  Kluwer Academic Publishers. Revised version of `An overview of disjunctive constraint satisfaction’,  Maxwell and Kaplan,  1989. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Parsing Technologies. Reprinted in Dalrymple,  Kaplan,  Maxwell and Zaenen (eds),  Formal Issues in Lexical-Functional Grammar,  pp. 381 – 401, Stanford:  Center for the Study of Language and Information. 1995.