Abstracts are solicited for 30-minute presentations (followed by 15-minute discussion periods) addressing syntactic, semantic, morphological and implementational issues pertaining to the treatment of spatial and temporal relations within the formal architecture of Lexical-Functional Grammar as well as in typological, formal, and computational work within the ‘spirit of LFG’ as a lexicalist approach to language employing a parallel, constraint-based framework. All semantic theories are welcome. We are particularly interested in presentations that integrate either the classic co-description approach or the f-structure rewrite/transfer approach recently pioneered by Crouch et al. in the form of Abstract Knowledge Representation (AKR).
This one-day thematic workshop will immediately follow the spring ParGram/ParSem meeting to be held at the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Debrecen, Hungary (March 28th – March 31st).
More information: http://hungram.unideb.hu or hungram “at” unideb “dot” hu